Service Built on Trust
Hayden PR manages personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. Any personal information we obtain is collected directly from you, with meaningful consent. This information is never shared or used for a secondary purpose to which you did not agree. Only the minimum amount of personal information is collected and it is only used for delivering premium communications services to you. Other than basic business contact information which we may retain to stay in touch, we only keep any personal information you provide for the period required to deliver that service, and you have the right to request and correct that information. We give you the option, before entering the site, as to whether you wish to accept or decline cookies, which are used to improve the effectiveness of the platform, Wix, upon which this site is built. Given our relationship providing privacy communications consulting services through nNovation LLP, our clients can take comfort in knowing that any marketing we do either to promote Hayden PR or to deliver marketing services to clients, respects privacy and anti-spam laws. Clients can be assured of the utmost confidentiality of their files. If you have questions or concerns about how your personal information is handled by Hayden PR, contact annemarie@haydenpublicrelations.com. For more information on your privacy rights, go to www.priv.gc.ca.